Covid-19 Test for Companies

by | 14, May, 2020 | News

With the Covid-19 health crisis, companies were forced to send their workers home. Telecommuting has been the latest discovery of businessmen and office workers who have experienced family reconciliation more than ever, turning this practice into a habit.

Unfortunately, not all jobs allow this flexibility, whether due to equipment, software or the type of activity carried out, which is why companies are gradually returning to normal, making their teams of workers return permanently. gradually to their usual jobs. And it is in this procedure that our company wants to take part and help guarantee the safety of all workers in Madrid.

Asset Management Spain is the company in charge of expanding some clinics and laboratories that have decided to collaborate in this mission of reinserting workers into their jobs. Together, we have decided to launch an initiative in which we present the option to companies to carry out a Covid-1 9 test for the entire workforce at more competitive prices than what is are presenting in the general market.

The situation that we are all experiencing due to the Coronavirus crisis has forced us to adopt new measures and
habits in our lifestyle. Today more than ever, prevention measures in relation to health are essential.
At Asset Management Spain we want to contribute our small dose of social and professional responsibility to fight against COVID – 19. In this way, we are going to take advantage of the infrastructures of the laboratories and clinics with which we work, and with the help of their qualified staff, we make ourselves available to you to carry out antibody tests to know if you have passed the disease.

Request more information by filling out the contact form below and make sure that it provides the safest return to work in your environment. Because you want to give your team the best and because they are still waiting for you healthy at home.

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