Asset Management Spain Gestmadrid advises on the entry of a new operator for a Tourist Building in Madrid

by | 9, Aug, 2022 | Business, News

New operation carried out by our Advisors and Managers of Asset Management Spain Gestmadrid, as usual, directly with both the property and the tenant.

Specifically, this operation has been carried out by Eva López Berdejo, managing the property, and Mar M. Salmerón, also from Asset Management Spain Gestmadrid, managing the tenant that was finally Sonder, with a tough fight between the candidates for the prized property.

Sonder, a large chain of luxury tourist apartments, was chosen by the property as it is a large company with a global position and excellent guarantees as it is listed on the stock market in its country. The acquired hotel, located on Calle Príncipe and in the center of Madrid, will be a benchmark for Sonder in its portfolio, as it is located next to the recently opened Four Seasons, the future W Marriot, Puerta del Sol in Madrid, Plaza de Santa Ana and the usual worldwide known, Hotel Ritz, Palace and Prado Museum. Carlos Romero, CEO of Asset Management Spain Gestmadrid, especially values ​​the work of his colleagues due to the difficulty of the current situation in finding the asset in a wild market, but also fighting with both parties to find the perfect balance and with guarantees between ownership and tenant that is not always easy.

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